Elder’s Cornell send-off for the Odum Chair at Carolina in 1984 by grad students – (left to right), Gerry Downey, Niall Bolger, Av Caspi, Elder, Jonathan Plotkin, Jody Colerick and Susan Rose.Happy Day for Kristi Long, Public Health, (middle) at dissertation defense in 2000! On her left, Elder and on her right, Professor Clipp (Colerick), Duke Nursing.Rich Mieck and Mike Shanahan at Half Dome in Elder’s beloved Yosemite high country, mid-90s.Back row – Margaret Mueller, sociology, and Rashmita Mistry (postdoc developmental science). At table (left to right) – Rob Crosnoe (postdoc, life course studies), Shannon Cavanaugh (predoc sociology), Elder, Jenny Godley (predoc sociology).Selected members of Life Course Workshop at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan – Presentation by Elder and hosted by Professor Chin-Chun Yi, sitting next to Elder, with his son, Jeffrey, 2003.Elder relaxing with Av Caspi before he received the Young Investigator Award at Toronto APA, 1995.Organizers of Life Course Conference in Elder’s honor, ASA, Atlanta, August, 2010 – Rob Crosnoe & Monica Johnson (above). Tyson Brown at conference intermission (right).Former members of Elder’s life course program at Atlanta celebration – Lance Erickson, Steve MacDonald, Steve Hitlin.Sandy’s surprise B-day event for Glen at Top of the Hill restaurant, with life course students entertaining them in Groucho masks. Hilarious!!Angela Wiletto, one of Elder’s PhDs in the 90s, and her husband, are members of the Navajo nation. From her position at Arizona State University, Angie sought Elder’s counsel on a study of resilience. They met along with Glen’s wife, Sandy, for dinner on Franklin Street in the fall of 2016.